Harrison Insurance and Financials, Ltd

101 E Bullion St, 2A
Hailey, ID 83333

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Does Commercial Insurance Cover Shoplifting and Other Types of Theft?

The agents of Harrison Insurance and Financials offer business owners in Hailey, ID and Sun Valley areas sound advice when it comes to protecting their businesses from various types of theft. It’s essential to know what types of theft are covered under your insurance policy and what types are considered to be a loss for the business. Understanding the different types of theft will help you protect your business more appropriately.

Shoplifting and Employee Theft

Shoplifting and employee theft are normally not covered under your commercial insurance policy. Because it can be hard to determine how much has been stolen and when the actual thefts occurred, it is difficult to file a claim. In most cases, the amounts are so small that filing a claim would not be worth the actual cost of the process. If the person is caught, they are required to pay restitution by the courts.

Protect Yourself 

When dealing with shoplifting and employee theft, there are ways you can minimize your risk. Teach employees how to spot shoplifters and install video cameras throughout your business and above registers. This will help you keep an eye on specific trouble areas where thefts commonly occur. If you have a troublesome person, you can hire a plainclothes security officer to visit your business.

In Hailey, ID, if you own a business and want to learn more about shoplifting and employee theft, call and talk to an agent today. You can also visit the office of Harrison Insurance and Financials to get the answers you are looking for. Don’t put your business at risk! Take the time you need to learn as much as you can and take appropriate action!

How Your Home’s Design Affects Your Insurance Policy

One of the biggest perks of owning your own home is the ability to customize your property to fit your lifestyle. Harrison Insurance and Financials can help you customize a policy that fully protects all the architectural and design elements in your Idaho home. However, did you know that your remodeling work might impact your homeowner’s insurance policy? Here are some common home design elements that might affect your homeowner’s insurance options.

Driveways, Sidewalks, Pathways

Having unpaved or poorly maintained driveways, walkways, and sidewalks increase the chances of someone getting hurt on your property. Your insurance agent may see that as an increased risk, which could mean higher premiums. Smooth, sealed, and clear pathways are the best way to protect your potential liability.

Swimming Pools

The type of pool you choose determines its effect on your policy. Permanent pools that are installed in the ground or anchored to the land are included in your primary policy. That means anything that happens in or around them qualify for liability coverage payments. Portable pools that are not permanently attached, however, may require additional coverages. Talk to your agent to understand your personal options.

Wood Burning Stoves

Your wood-burning stove decreases your energy costs and improves the aesthetic of your home. It could also increase your home insurance premiums. Poorly installed stoves are a big risk for fire, carbon monoxide, and other issues that could trigger a claim. Your insurance agent can help you find ways to decrease the risk of your indoor wood burning stove.

You don’t have to settle for a cookie-cutter home. Harrison Insurance and Financials in Hailey, ID can help you create a homeowner’s policy that fully covers all the design elements in your Idaho home. Contact us for a free quote or to discuss your coverage options.


Our Partners

  • American Modern
  • Banner Life
  • Blue Cross of Idaho
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • John Hancock
  • Kemper
  • Liberty Mutual
  • lloyds of London
  • MetLife
  • Mountain Health
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • Protective
  • Safeco
  • Select Health
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers