Commercial Insurance in Idaho
Do you own a business in Idaho? Do you have employees? Although a business can have many demands, the last thing you want is to risk it all by not being properly covered. Do you know what commercial insurance covers? Here’s a quick breakdown:
There are different types of commercial insurance:
- Property. This policy pays for damages and losses to personal or real property. While this may be standard, additional coverage options are available for specific needs.
- Liability. This policy will cover injuries to third parties where you are the cause. There are additional options under this type of policy as well, including automobile insurance.
- Workers’ Compensation. This covers any employee injuries incurred while on the job. This policy is required by some states, but in others may not be. Working with an agent to make sure the company follows all mandated rules and regulations is key.
Getting the right commercial insurance policy in Idaho
Commercial insurance policies can be tailored to fit your needs while avoiding different bills. While you may not know what you need, the team at Harrison Insurance and Financials will be able to advise you on the types of coverages that work best for your industry. With so many options available, things can become confusing. An experienced agent will be able to go through each component of your business and help you create and decide on a policy that covers your business within your budget.
When running a business, things can quickly get out of hand. From customer injuries to claims of negligence, it’s important to have insurance in place to ensure your business continues operations throughout the process. Having a resourceful and experienced agent available to assist makes the difference. For more information on commercial insurance policies in Hailey, ID, contact the agents over at Harrison Insurance and Financials today!